Aarsleff-Spitzke has in a two-stage project carried out a comprehensive track renewal on the heavily trafficked ’Kystbanen’ between Helsingør og Klampenborg, north of Copenhagen. The two stages in the project each used a 44-day possession in the summer holiday periods in 2017 and 2018. In 2017 work was carried out from Helsingør to Nivå, while in 2018 the work took place between Nivå and Klampenborg.


On the line between station work consisted ballast renewal, ballast cleaning, sleeper replacement and track renewal. On the stations Helsingør, Snekkersten, Nivå, Rungsted Kyst, Skodsborg og Klampenborg track renewal was carried out, including ballast renewal, replacement of a large number of points and drainage works.


Challenging ground water

South of Helsingør station Aarsleff Rail in cooperation with Aarsleff installed a large wellpoint system to keep the trackbed dry. The wellpoint system enabled new drainage systems to be established and carry out the necessary track works without being hampered by high ground water levels.

During the track renewal Aarsleff Rail also carried out signalling and interlocking work along the line. After track alignment and tamping we adjusted the line’s catenary system and was responsible for all release to service-work and procedures.


Project management and railway safety

Aarsleff Rail was lead company on the project. Contractual handlings, planning, interface management, railway safety and logistics were among the responsibilities of Aarsleff Rail. The main body of employees and specialized equipment was also supplied by Aarsleff Rail.


3 tunnels and 3 bridges

In addition the track renewal contract Aarsleff Rail also carried out concrete construction work in the separate contracts E6 og E7, consisting of passenger tunnels on Vedbæk, Snekkersten og Espergærde stations and refurbishment of the bridges at Ullerødvej, Torpenvej and Nivå.



  • 18 km replacement of rails and sleepers
  • 10.9 km new subgrade
  • 4.6 km ballast cleaning
  • Replacing 54 points incl. heating systems
  • Adjustment of catenary system
  • Rebuilding of signalling and responsible for
    testing and release to service-work
  • 9 km drainage
  • 500 m embankment work






Aarsleff-Spitzke I/S


Type of contract

Main contract



Bravida Danmark



Rambøll Danmark A/S


Construction period

June - August 2017 & 2018


UK / DK contact : +45 8734 3000
: +45 3634 4640